Easement Map
Use this interactive map for the approximate location of the SWA-2 easements in relationship to your property.
SWA-2 Easement Overview
The SWA-2 Easement is vital in helping JVWCD maintain a safe, reliable drinking water system for a large and growing population. Any change within the Easement, whether above or below the surface, must be reviewed and approved before any work within is permitted.
Easement Requirements
No trees or deep-rooted plants may be planted anywhere within the easement. Trees limit or prevent access for operation and maintenance activities, and roots have the ability to damage the pipeline.
No storage of hazardous material within the easement is allowed. Hazardous materials stored near the easement could work their way into your drinking water or inhibit access to the Jordan and Alpine Aqueducts.
No storage or parking of automobiles, recreation vehicles, or equipment of any kind within the easement is allowed without permission.
Easement Requirements
No structures may be placed within the easement. This includes walls, foundations, and any buildings such as sheds, garages or storage facilities. In addition, prior approval must be obtained for the placement of any encroachments within the easement, whether on the surface or underground (including, but not limited to, any activity involving digging, concrete work, fencing, and underground utilities such as power wires, fuel lines, etc.) or for the placement or removal of materials of any kind within the easement area.